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Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Get Your Blanket Checked

By Ben Aulakh

Anyone over 50, in Warwickshire, who uses an electric blanket is being encouraged to get it tested for free, by the county council’s Trading Standards.

Warwickshire County Council's Trading Standards Service has launched a campaign to dramatically cut the numbers of accidents resulting from faulty electric blankets.

The campaign will run for one week in October, across five venues.
County Councillor Richard Hobbs, Portfolio Holder for Community Protection said, “Faulty electric blankets are a serious fire hazard.

“Our campaign seeks to remove old and dangerous electric blankets from circulation and protect Warwickshire residents.

“I would strongly urge anyone aged over 50 and living in Warwickshire to take advantage of this offer and book an appointment now”

Although electric blankets are manufactured to strict standards, wear and tear can leave them more vulnerable to developing a fault, which can increase the risk of them catching fire.

Any Warwickshire resident aged 50 or over can book an appointment to get their blanket tested; however the service is on a first come first served basis, and spaces for the checks is limited.

Also, due to the expected demand for blanket tests, a limit of two blankets per person has been set by the council

The first set of tests will be held in Stratford-upon-Avon on Friday October 7 at the town’s Fire Station.

Trading Standards are also urging people to check their own blankets by looking for worn or frayed fabric, scorch marks, tie tapes that are damaged or missing, unsafe flex’s or loose connections.

Anyone wishing to book an appointment should phone the council on 01926 414004 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday; alternatively you can email the local authority at ebtesting@warwickshire.gov.uk

For a complete guide to choosing, using, storing, and checking an electric blanket, visit www.warwickshire.gov.uk/tradingstandards

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