By Ben Aulakh
Anyone in Coventry wanting to vote in next year’s local elections is being encouraged to return their registration forms to the City Council as soon as possible.
Voter registration forms will soon be dropping through letterboxes across Coventry in the coming weeks, and people are being encouraged to update and return them, or risk being ineligible to vote
In 2012 131 English local authorities will take part in local elections, alongside those for the London Mayoralty and the London Assembly.
The council are keen to stress the need to re-register, and to ensure that the details of everyone in their household eligible to vote are included on the form.
Last year 93 per cent of households, more than 132,000 homes, returned their completed registration papers.
However fewer than half were sent back before reminder letters had to be issued, and visits had to be made by council officials.
Martin Reeves, Electoral Registration Officer for Coventry and Chief Executive of Coventry City Council said, “It only takes a few minutes to check that your registration form includes the details of everyone in your house eligible to vote.
“This year we're making it even easier for you to tell us if there is no change to your details as now you can text, as well as phone or go online.”
“And if you do need to change anything, just update the form and pop it in the freepost envelope.”
Credit agencies also use the electoral register as part of their checks, so being on the register can also
help people to get credit, including loans and mortgages.
Anyone can contact Electoral Services at, or by telephone 024 7683 3034.
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