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Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Extension of 20mph Zones in Leicester

By Ben Aulakh

Traffic calming measures and reduced speed limits aimed at reducing the numbers of speed-related accidents are to be extended across Leicester.

Nine new 20mph speed-limit zones have been announced by the city council in an extension of those introduced in Belgrave, Cottesmore Road, Tudor Road, Westcotes, Western Road and Willow Brook Road over the last two years.

Eight of the nine schemes will be near schools, and seven of the schemes will also involve installing traffic-calming measures such as speed bumps or signs, to help ensure drivers stick to the new speed limits.

The council has made £100,000 available to begin the works, and is also looking at how contributions from private developers could also be used to pay towards the works.

Deputy City Mayor Cllr Rory Palmer said: “We have a commitment to introduce 20mph zones where residents want them and where they will improve road safety because we want to make our communities safer for cyclists and pedestrians.

“We've identified these nine areas as places where 20mph zones, with some new traffic-calming measures, will make a real positive difference and improve safety for everyone.”

“These areas include residential communities, roads near schools and the village areas of Aylestone and Humberstone.”

The areas identified for 20mph zones include Sandhurst Road in Newfoundpool, which is close to Inglehurst infant and junior schools;

A further 37 streets across St Matthews, which includes Taylor Road Primary School, and 17 roads in the Aylestone village area, which includes Granby Primary School will also be
covered by the new speed limits.

Also included are 44 streets in the area around Harrison Road, which is near Rushey Mead Primary School and St Patrick's Catholic School; 11 roads in Humberstone Village, which contains Humberstone infants and junior schools, and 21 routes in Bradgate Heights.

Three schemes will focus specifically on school areas, including 12 roads around St Mary's Fields Infants School in Rowley Fields, 15 streets around Woodstock Primary School, in Beaumont Leys, and 24 streets around Mowmacre Hill Primary School area.

It is hoped the 20mph zones will lead to fewer, less severe road traffic accidents, and encourage more cycling or walking.

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